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- Teen & Young Adult Science Fiction & Fantasy
The Ruby in the Smoke: A Sally L...
In search of clues to the mystery of her fathers death, 16yearold Sally Lockhart ventures into the shadowy underworld of Victorian London Pursued by villains at every turn, the intrepid Sally final...
Tale of Three Trees [Hardcover] ...
Once upon a mountaintop, three little trees dreamed of what they wanted to become when they grew up One wants to be a treasure chest, another an oceangoing boat, and the third a signpost to God ...
The Assault Recon Team Angel 1 F...
Its 2030, and humanity is losing the war against alien invaders A Band of Brothers meets Enders Game in this scifi military thrillerA team of six has been chosen to infiltrate the enemys headq...
City of Ashes The Mortal Instrum...
Is love worth betraying everything? Plunge into the second adventure in the internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series and prepare to be hooked Entertainment WeeklyClary Fray just wishes...
The Rose Society [Hardcover] Lu,...
From New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu comes the second book in the exhilarating Young Elites seriesOnce upon a time, a girl had a father, a prince, a society of friends Then they betrayed...
Bet You Cant Cobb, Vicki and Dar...
With this collection of irresistible bets, you can team up with science and be a winner every time Stump your family, friends, or favorite enemy with these deceptively simple dares Theyre all impos...
Dark Lord of Derkholm Jones, Dia...
Derk, an unconventional wizard, and his magical family become involved in a plan to put a stop to the devastating Pilgrim Parties tours of their world arranged by the tyrannical Mr Chesney
Land of Loss Everworld 2 Applega...
Pulled into a world that defies everything they once believed, David, Jalil, April, and Christopher search for their friend Senna as they also try to find a way back to their own world ISBN10: 059...
Zel Napoli, Donna Jo
Based on the fairy tale Rapunzel, the story is told in alternating chapters from the point of view of Zel, her mother, and the nobleman who pursues her, and delves into the psychological motivation...
Harry Potter and the Philosopher...
The Greek translation of the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, in which Harry Potter, a normal elevenyearold boy, discovers that he is a wizard Long ago, Harrys pare...
Clockwork Princess 3 The Inferna...
Danger, betrayal, and enchantment abound in the riveting conclusion to the 1 New York Times bestselling Infernal Devices trilogyTHE INFERNAL DEVICES WILL NEVER STOP COMINGA net of shadows begins to...
Catching Fire Hunger Games2 [Pap...
The second book in Suzanne Collinss phenomenal and worldwide bestselling Hunger Games trilogy is now available in trade paperbackAgainst all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games w...
Mockingjay The Hunger Games [Har...
Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice But now that shes made it out of the bloody arena alive, shes still not safe The Capitol is angry The Capitol wants revenge Wh...
Catching Fire The Hunger Games [...
Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow district tribute Peeta Mellark But it was a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and their harsh rules Katniss and P...
The Fall of Crazy House Crazy Ho...
The best series since The Hunger Games just got better: Escape is just the beginning in this dystopian story of two fearless sisters who must defeat a powerful regime or risk becoming what they de...
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